Friday, July 22, 2016

6 Best Weight Loss Foods to Stay Fit

When it comes to losing weight, one of the best approaches is to adopt healthy meal prep ideas and plans. You will also need to make the necessary changes to your diet. A lot of people would prefer to go for foods that boost metabolism, suppress appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, and burn calories.

Healthy Eating

And, if you are looking for the best weight loss foods, the proven ones include fiber-rich vegetables, high-water content fruits, and lean meats. Read on to see more about our proven fat loss tips
Here are top 6 foods to lose weight;

#1: Berries

One of the ways to keep your stomach feeling fuller for a longer time is to embrace juicy foods that have nothing less than 75% water by weight. And, berries are definitely the best juicy foods - cranberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. Berries are also loaded with fiber, which in turn promotes weight loss.

#2: Skin-less Chicken & Turkey

Protein aids in increasing and maintaining lean muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism. Also, you will feel fuller all day long when you eat foods rich in protein. This will also help to reduce in-between meals snacking. The best sources of lean protein include turkey breast and skin-less protein.

#3: Seafood

Omega-3 fatty acids supply the human body with healthy fats and would not impact your health negatively. However, omega-3 fatty acid should be taken in moderation. Seafood is one of the major sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, and the best seafood for this purpose includes wild salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, sardines, rainbow trout, and Pacific oysters.

#4: Low-Fat Dairy Foods

Good sources of low-fat dairy foods include fat-free and low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. These help to maintain a healthy blood sugar level and improve your mood generally. Consequently, people trying to lose weight are able to curtail their craving for food, and will avoid over-eating as well.

#5: Salads

Salads that have lettuce as the major ingredient are usually low in calories and have lots of water. Other essential ingredients for weight loss salads include cucumber, cabbage, carrot, and tomato. These will supply the quality fiber your body needs, as well as good carbohydrate. The healthy dressing to choose includes olive oil, lemon, or fruit.

#6: Green Vegetables

Consuming lots of vegetables will help you feel fuller all day and curtail your craving for food. The best vegetables for weight loss include cabbage, broccoli, and spinach. These contain soluble fiber. Other weight loss vegetables include asparagus, olives, kale, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts - these have low calories and are packed with water.

Also, whole grains are great foods for weight loss as they are loaded with fiber, minerals and vitamins. Remember, you need to combine weight loss foods with exercise regimen for faster weight loss result. You can enroll in a personal training studio or work out on your own.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

7 Foods That Help to Burn Tummy Fat Naturally

What you eat has a tremendous effect on how fast you lose tummy fat. In fact, your nutrition can even be more powerful than your workouts. It is very hard to undo the effects of bad food. This is why it's crucial to include the right kind of food in your regular diet plan. To do that, I want to share with you 7 foods that help you burn tummy fat fast. Include these foods in your diet and you may see additional fat burning.

Tummy Fat

1. Kale - Who would have thought that this small and often overlooked herb could help you shed belly fat. However, it is true. Kale has many health benefits, one of them being that it contains Indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps you to fight against Xenoestrogens, which are chemicals that can lead to great abdominal fat storage and make it harder for you to get flat abs.

2. Eggs - The reason why eggs can help you burn fat is twofold: eggs help you to remail full and so are excellent appetite suppressants. The second reason is that the protein in eggs helps you to maintain and build your muscle tissue and in doing so keep a high metabolism. In addition, eggs contain many helpful substances that your body craves.

3. Grapefruit - This fruit is also an excellent appetite suppressant. Research has shown that eating grapefruit regularly may help you reduce weight faster than otherwise. It doesn't need to be the cornerstone of your dietary plan but it can still workout pretty nicely.

4. Turmeric - This healthy spice may help the fat burning process inside of you as it aids the gull bladder to produce more bile which is necessary in the quick digestion of fat.

5. Broccoli - Similarly to Kale, this cruciferous vegetable helps to burn belly fat by fighting the xenoestrogens that promote abdominal fat storage.

6. Garlic - While not to be eaten in excess for social reasons, Garlic contains allicin that may help you to better deal with the fats inside your body and has many other health benefits as well.

7. Apples - These are considered as a fat burning food as they contain pectin that has been shown to assist in the fat burning process.

By incorporating these foods into your diet you may burn more tummy fat faster than ever before, as long as you also workout properly.

Article Source:

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

3 Day Military Diet - Can You Really Lose Weight This Way?

Are you curious to learn about the 3 day military diet? This is a very commonly used regiment throughout the weight loss industry.

3 Day Military Diet

This article will review this and how it can help you to lose pounds at last.


It is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking on any drastic diet changes. There is also no guarantee this will work for you.

You can perform this diet at your own risk.


First, what exactly is it? This is basically a word-of-mouth 3 day diet that has been shared by various individuals. It allows you to eat but only certain items at specific times.

The whole point is to lower your calorie intake, so your body burns your excess fat instead.

This is a great idea in theory, but it is really best to have a well balanced eating plan and active lifestyle to lose weight.

How it Begins

On the first day, you will have grapefruit and a piece of toast for breakfast. The second day will begin with 1 egg, a slice of toast, and half a banana.

Finally, on the third day you will start off with five saltine crackers, one slice of cheddar cheese, and one small apple.

How it Ends

Each day of this regiment will end in a slightly different way. Day one will have you consume two slices of meat with a cup of green beans. This will also include half a banana and one small apple.

The second day allows you to eat 2 hot dogs without the bun, one cup of broccoli, half a banana and ½ cup of vanilla ice cream. The last day will allow you to have one cup of tuna, half a banana and one cup of vanilla ice cream.

The whole 3 day military diet is centered on eating certain foods in an exact combination to witness the maximum results.

An Easier Way

There is an easier way to go about losing weight. This is by using weight training routines. These allow you to trim fat off your body and replace it with toned muscle.

This will work whether you are a man or woman. You can start any time and you will not need to starve yourself in the process.

You can just do it 2 to 3 times a week. You can use free weights or weight lifting machines to help you on your quest.

While this is a good start. There is much more you should look at before taking on such a task.

You may still have various questions. What about doing more cardio? How about special pills? How should I eat and how much at each meal?

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